Part2&3は、UIUCのWataruさんと、マウンテンバイクのフリースタイルのライダー、野間大介さん(Noma-chan、長野県白馬村在住)とのトークです。Podcast No.491-2に掲載しています。
Part1, 日本各地、猛暑。UCではUIUC新学期にそなえEmergency Order
Champaign County内で、この2週間に6万件近い検査数
イリノイ大学(UIUC)では、学生も教職員も週2回のPCRテストをうけるよう要請されています。キャンパス17ヶ所にに検査場が設置されています。(ON-CAMPUS COVID-19 TESTING)(Updates) 郡内でのPCR検査数の累計が、2020年8月21日現在142,538(C-U COVID-19 Information)です。8月7日までの検査数が84,285でした。この2週間で新たに、58,253の検査が実施されたことになります。ちなみ、Champaign Countyの人口は、209,689(July1, 2019推計)です。
*”University working to contain predicted increase in on-campus COVID-19 cases“, Aug 21, 2020, 10:15AM, by NEWS BUREAU
U-CではEmergency Order
イリノイ大学では、8月24日(月)から秋学期が始まります。これにともないChampaign市が8月19日(水)に、Urbana市が8月20日(木)に、それぞれEmergency Orderを出しました。8月21日(金)に開催されたUIUC JPN COVID-19 Town Hall Meeting(Zoo)が開催され、そこでTatsuyaさんから紹介された詳細なPower Pointの資料とそこでの情報交換の一部を下記に記します。
各市のOrderの詳細は、こちらからご覧ください。CITY’S RESPONSE TO COVID-19(Champaign)、Community Support During the Pandemic & Emergency Situations(Urbana)
UIUC JPAN COVID-19 Town Hall MeetingでのTatsuyaさんの解説では、Champaign-Urbana市に提出されたDr. Eric Jakobsson(UIUC)の意見書(UIUCの秋学期が始まるとCOVID-19感染がどのように爆発的に拡大しうるかをシミレーションし、両市へ事前の対策をすすめる)が元になっているそうです。意見書の論拠となる論文(July22,2020)はこちら。UIUCでは17箇所にPCRテスト場を設け(ON-CAMPUS COVID-19 TESTING LOCATIONS)、大学関係者に週2回の検査を求め、また、SAFER ILLINOIS APPのダウンロードもすすめています。
Selected COVID-19 News: IL & C-U、August7-20
- (8/20) Thursday’s coronavirus updates: Man in 50s becomes 20th to die of COVID-19 in Champaign County; 61820 sees surge in new cases
- (8/20) Coronavirus response | Flu shot urged to help avoid double disease hit *“A flu shot won’t prevent COVID-19, but it will help prevent more flu and flu-related hospitalizations, which have the potential to overwhelm local hospitals when combined with too many COVID-19 hospitalizations” * From the end of Sept., “Carle will be offering two drive-thru opportunities in Champaign-Urbana plus a new walk-up flu-shot clinic inside Champaign’s Market Place Mall”
- (8/19) Airline temporarily suspends most flights *American Airlines has temporarily suspended all flights from Willard Airport to DFW and ORD
- (8/19) [Champaign] City to issue ordinance limiting party size as students return to campus
- (8/19) [Urbana] City issues new emergency order to prevent surge in COVID-19 cases as students return to campus
- (8/18) [Champaign] City issues order limiting diners in Campustown restaurants * The two orders both go into effect on August 19.
- (8/17) MTD reduces scheduled service for fall * “the reductions will primarily impact routes serving campus and late-night service after 1 a.m.”
- (8/16) Illinois imposes new Metro East COVID-19 rules after spike * “The restrictions follow three straight days of a positive test rate of 8% or higher” * “The rules, effective Tuesday, include limiting meetings and social events to the lesser of 25 people or 25% of overall room capacity and closing bars and casinos at 11 p.m” * For more detail: http://www.dceocovid19resources.com/restore-illinois
- (8/15 & 18) [Champaign & Urbana] Coronavirus response | Health district’s mask-enforcement ordinance takes effect Aug. 24; Ordinance extends masks enforcement to individuals * Individuals who don’t wear masks in public places where they’re required to do so will also be subject to enforcement. * Individuals can also face “enforcement action” if they refuse to wear a mask in public spaces, according to the ordinance.
- (8/14) Friday’s coronavirus updates: 19 Ford County cases linked to outbreak at Paxton nursing home; state reports 2,264 new positive tests, most in two-plus months *The AMC Champaign-13 theater at 910 Meijer Dr, C, will reopen Aug. 27 * AMC said theaters will operate at 30 percent or less capacity to accommodate the need for social distancing and masks will be required before, during and after movies, except for when patrons are eating or drinking
- (8/13) Thursday’s coronavirus updates: On day that total tests hit 100,000, Champaign County’s 7-day positivity rate drops to 0.8%
- (8/12) Coronavirus response | Urbana schools to go remote for first quarter * The Urbana school district will move to fully remote learning for at least the entire first quarter instead of just the first two weeks of school, which was the plan the district announced last week * The district is working to provide Chromebooks for all students and to help families sign up for free or low-cost internet. It will also use eight buses as hot spots
- (8/12) District adds staff to monitor parks; Coronavirus response | Park districts to crowds: Break it up * “The park district has begun sending out newly hired “park ambassadors” to Hessel and West Side parks and some others as needed to disperse crowds exceeding public health guidelines” * “If the ambassadors see large gatherings that do not have a permit from them or are bigger than 50 people, they will ask them to follow better health practices. If they do not, they can call the police about improper use of the park”
- (8/11) Downtown Champaign parking lots closed on weekend nights through Labor Day“ * In the wake of gunfire Saturday at a downtown parking lot, the city announced that it will close the lots at Neil and Washington streets and Walnut and Washington streets at 9 p.m. on weekends through Labor Day.
- (8/10) Champaign Public Schools releases details for first quarter distance learning
- (8/10) School is set to resume — but the 2020-2021 year won’t look like any other before it
- (8/8) Coronavirus response | Surge in testing driving up wait time for results * “Carle had been processing 1,800 to 2,000 tests a day for its own patients, several other medical providers, the state drive-thru testing site at Market Place Mall and some from the state Department of Corrections”
- Note: UIUC employees and students with no symptoms are recommended to use the UIUC’s campus testing sites, not the community testing at Market Place Mall
- (8/7) Friday’s coronavirus updates: Pryde: Public health to enforce mask wearing at workplaces; * Businesses will be issued warnings first, and those that don’t comply will be given an order to have some or all of their patrons leave, and those that still resist can be subject to a Class A misdemeanor charge and up to a $2,500 fine * Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Administrator Julie Pryde said the health district can and will enforce mask-wearing at workplaces
- (8/7) State issues emergency rules for mask enforcement in businesses * Aimed at heightening the ability of local government entities to enforce the use of face masks in businesses, schools and child care centers”
- (8/7) Annual corn fest turns into virtual and drive-thru style festival
Selected COVID-19 Information: UIUC (August 10-19)
- (8/19) UI receives FDA approval for saliva-based COVID-19 test first offered on campus *The FDA approval allows the university system to “turbo-charge” efforts to expand the testing beyond just the Urbana-Champaign campus, which could include national expansion, as well as expansion to schools of all types — higher education, secondary and primary schools, as well as public and private institutions — throughout the state
- (8/16) U. of I. releases move-in schedule
- (8/15) Coronavirus response | At UI, ‘this semester will look like no other before’
- (8/14) Coronavirus response | UI’s new app presumes you’ve been exposed by design *For the app to be effective, UI physicist and COVID-19 modeler Nigel Goldenfeld has said that at least 60 percent of the campus community would need to use it
- (8/13) U. of I. releases ‘Safer Illinois’ app to help students, facility manage COVID-testing status *it provides users “their personalized coronavirus-testing results and reminders of their scheduled testing, along with a display of their current testing status.
- (8/13) Safer Illinois app *Info & Download: https://safer.illinois.edu/ *“The official COVID-19 app for Champaign County residents and the University of Illinois. The app provides pandemic resources to support community health and safety.”
- (8/11) UPDATE: Big Ten postponing fall sports season
- (8/11) Study: Student’s return to campus comes with risk of 1,000 new cases * “the increase could be as high as a thousand new cases, including four deaths” “We’re suggesting to the cities that maybe they dial the restaurants and bars back from phase four to phase three for approximately three weeks” “City leaders are still finalizing them.”
- (8/10) C-U preparing ‘additional measures’ to handle arriving students *“urging both cities to limit bars and restaurants to take-out and delivery for the next three weeks. Without those steps, his model indicates that 800 more people could otherwise be infected, 80 more could be hospitalized and four more could die.” “Champaign Mayor Deb Feinen and Urbana Mayor Diane Marlin said they plan to announce new measures this week.”