
「中秋の名月」中継 @Shizuoka, Oct.1, 2020, photo by Ryuta
Part1, 中秋の名月、UCIMC設立20周年
UrbanaのダウンタウンにあるUrbana Champaign Independent Media Center(UCIMC)は、設立20周年を迎えました。10月1日に、第1回記念イベントがZOOMで行われました。”Independent Media: Where we’ve come from and why we need it more than ever!” 。UCIMCの設立の経緯について、当時の関係者たちが「熱く」語る貴重な90分でした。こうしたIndy Mediaの運動が今日の草の根活動において、どのように展開されているのか。続く記念イベントもZOOMで開催されます。詳しくはUCIMCのサイトへ。
コロナ禍のイリノイ大学の戦略with Tatsuya
先週のHSでは、2020年3月から半年間のイリノイ州、Urbana-Champaign、そしてイリノイ大学での感染拡大と行政、大学の対応についての概要を説明していただきました(HS Podcast No.496)。今週のトークでは、RyutaさんとMugikoの質問を受けて、イリノイ大学の総合大学としての強みを活かした大規模なCOVID-19対応策、大学の生き残り戦略、地域との関係など、Tatsuyaさんが、より突っ込んだ話を展開しています。トークの内容は、後ほど、Tatsuyaさんから文章でもまとめていただきます。まずは、音声をお届けします。
Part2, UIUCのモデリングと社会的実験、コロナ対策のリーダーシップ
Part3, 大学とコミュニティの絶妙な関係、学部生への影響、大統領選挙
Part4, コメントby Ryuta&Mugi
Tatsuyaさんのお話では、イリノイ大学は、総合大学としての強みを最大限に活かし、大きな資本を投じ、学生、教職員を含む大学関係者に週に2回のCOVID-19検査を可能とする体制を整え、感染拡大を防ぐ対策を実施しています。安全対策をアピールすることによって、今年度のイリノイ大学への入学者数は全体として昨年より10%増加しました。しかし、秋学期が始まると、事前のモデリングの想定を上回る2000人を超す陽性者が確認されました。Urbana-Champaignの市政とも連携し、現在のところ、感染のさらなる拡大はくいとめられていますが、予断を許さない状態です。それでも現在時点では、大学を閉鎖せずにオンラインと対面授業を組み合わた教育を行なっています。今後、大学を一つの事業としてどのように継続していくのか。Harukana Showでも、イリノイ大学と地域との関わりなども含めて、今後もいろいろな方からお話を伺っていきたいと思います。Mugi
第21回のUIUC JPN Community COVID-19 Town Hall資料
10月2日は、第21回のUIUC JPN Community COVID-19 Town Hallが開催されました。Tatsuyaさんが作成された資料の一部を共有します。Town Hallは現在2週間ごとにZOOMで行われています。詳細は、スライド動画「COVID-19 日本人コミュニティTown Hall ― リスク・コミュニケーションの視点からの実践と考察 ―」by Tatsuya Sakuraharaをご覧ください。

Confirmed Champaign County, COCID-19 Cases updated on Oct.02, 2020 by UPHD, TH スライド資料 No.11
Selected COVID-19 Information: UIUC by Tatsuya, 9/19-10/2
- (10/1) Cut it out: Cardboard fans will be in stands at Memorial Stadium this season
- Only family members of Illinois football players and staff will actually physically be allowed inside Memorial Stadium to watch games this season because of the COVID-19 pandemic
- (9/30) Killeen: COVID hit to UI more than $300 million and growing
- Killeen said the financial hit for the UI has been over $300 million, for testing, canceled events and refunds to students — and costs continue to grow
- As of Saturday, there had been 412,470 saliva test results produced for the Urbana-Champaign campus. At $20-$25 cost per test, that would place the total expense for testing in the $8 million to $10 million range since early July
- (9/28) Nearly 5% of UI tested population has been infected as COVID-19 spread continues
- According to Kaler, 48,605 students, faculty and staff have tested with on-campus saliva tests since they were introduced on July 6. With 2,362 cases identified as of Friday, around 4.86% of all campus testers tested positive for COVID-19.
- (9/30) University of Illinois amends statement on FDA approval of COVID-19 test
- “Those seeking approval or clearance of, or an emergency use authorization (“EUA”) for a laboratory-developed test (LDT) may nonetheless voluntarily submit a premarket approval application, premarket notification or an EUA request, respectively, but are not required to do so, and FDA will adjudicate those submissions”
- “[FDA] asked us [UIUC] to discontinue using the terms ‘bridging study’ and ‘umbrella.’”
- UIUC test will be expanded to Illinois State University in November 2020
- (9/27) UI Wellness Ambassadors promote safety on campus
- The Illinois wellness ambassador initiative promotes safety on the University’s campus. Their goal is to reinforce good behavior to helps limit the spread of coronavirus.
- (9/22) Enforcement update: UI suspensions include two frats, nine students
- (9/18) Students come together for first time this semester
- State guidelines let the stadium be filled with up to 12,000 people, but the max capacity for movie night was set at just under 4,000.
- The events will continue after the weekend. Starting Sept. 24, Memorial Stadium will have Thursday movie nights through October. Fridays will be variety acts, and Saturdays will be concerts.
Selected COVID-19 News: IL & C-U by Tatsuya, 9/19-10/2
- (10/1) Public health leaders disagree with possibility of including Champaign County in restrictions; Coronavirus response | Champaign County’s data helped region, area health officials say; Coronavirus response | ‘If Chicago can be its own region, why can’t Champaign County?’
- The mayors of Champaign and Urbana quickly responded that excluding the data but keeping the county linked to 20 others is unfair after it made sacrifices to achieve its lower COVID-19 positivity rate even without the UI testing data.
- Rather than penalizing it, the state should, as the mayors suggest, highlight it as an opportunity for our state and the nation by singling out Champaign County as a unique region in our state
- (9/29) Health department warns of West Nile in area
- Champaign County is announcing there have been four positive batches of mosquitos
- 屋外活動時には虫よけスプレーの使用を!
- (9/28) Will area restaurants be left out in the cold?
- With fall officially here, restaurants that have relied on outdoor dining during COVID-19 are planning for how to continue serving customers during the colder weather.
- The outdoor heaters “are really meant for 50-degree nights, not 20-degree nights,” Blakeman said. “At the end of the day, we live in central Illinois, and the weather’s going to be an issue.”
- (9/29) Colder weather means more adjustments for outdoor seating
- The temperatures aren’t freezing yet, but soon they will be. For places relying on outdoor seating to bring in customers, the change could really hurt.
- (9/25) Coronavirus response | Unit 4 proposal includes in-person learning for elementary students
- Starting Oct. 26, Unit 4 elementary students would have the option to attend school in person for two-and-a-half hours each day
- Middle and high schools would keep their distance-learning schedules for the second quarter
- (9/25) Champaign County testing numbers won’t be included in Region 6 totals
- the state will be removing Champaign County’s testing numbers from Region 6’s total daily testing numbers
- Champaign County will be like its own region for reporting purposes
- (9/24) State hospitalizations at highest level since June; unemployment up
- “Bloomington had the lowest unemployment rate at 7.2 percent, which was an increase from 3.8 percent a year ago, followed by Champaign-Urbana, which increased to 7.4 percent from 3.9 percent.”
- (9/24) [Champaign] City temporarily raises entry-age for campus area bars
- “An amendment to Emergency Order 20-24 that temporarily sets the entry-age for campus area bars to 21 and over”
- (9/23) [Urbana] City mayor extends emergency order on private gatherings
- (9/23) State extends vehicle expiration dates
- Plate renewal stickers are due November 1. Driver’s licenses and ID cards have had their due dates extended to February 1, 2021
- (9/22) CDC warns Americans to ‘avoid’ trick-or-treating for Halloween
- CDCガイドラインの全文
- (9/22) Public health district adds retired officers to patrol certain areas
- (9/21) Saliva test one step closer to expanding to community
- it will start with areas where their campuses are, like Champaign-Urbana, Springfield and Chicago
- That would mean you could get results within hours instead of having to wait four to seven days. That’s the wait time of the community testing site at Marketplace Mall in Champaign