Harvest Moon, 残暑厳しく
今年は9月10日が中秋の名月、ということをすっかり忘れていました。Kyotoでは、最高気温が30℃を超えて残暑がまだ厳しく、連日、熱中症「厳重警戒」が呼びかけられています。番組収録は、9月8日(木)、KyotoからMugiko、ShizuokaからRyutaさんが参加しました。今週と来週は、ホホホ座浄土寺センターの松本伸哉さんのお話をお届けします(HS No.598-2)。
Part1, AsiaLENS, Welcoming Week 2022, 本日のトーク紹介
Asia LENS-BAATO Film Screening Discussion
2022年9月13日(火) 7:00-9:00pm@Spurlock Museum Knight Auditorium, free and open to public
Welcoming Week 2022
学内外の諸団体、個人が連携して、Welcoming Week2022, Sept.9-18にさまざまなイベントが行われています。詳しくは、University YMCAサイトへ。
Harukana ShowメンバーのTomさんが代表をつとめるCU Immgiration Forumからのお知らせです。
■9th Annual Immigrant Welcome Awards
2022年9月17日(土) 11:00 am-12:30pm @Urbana Free Library. “Come celebrate the diversity of cultures and people that make up our community with entertainment and special guests. The Immigrant Welcome Awards Ceremony recognizes the contributions of individuals and organizations that have created a welcoming atmosphere for immigrants in the Champaign-Urbana community. Free and open to the public.”
Sponsored by C-U Immigration Forum with cosponsors Immigrant Services of Champaign Urbana, Urbana Arts and Culture Program, University YMCA New American Welcome Center, The Urbana Free Library, The Refugee Center, The Immigration Project, the City of Champaign, and the City of Urbana.
■UFLive! with Bourema “Ibrahim” Ouedraogo & Jason Finkelman
2022年9月18日(日)@ Urbana Free Library, 2:00 pm-3:00pm@Urbana Free Library
“The Library’s popular live music series returns!Bourema “Ibrahim” Ouedraogo and Jason Finkelman are Urbana-Champaign-based artists who perform original songs informed by Ouedraogo’s musical origins in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Ouedraogo is a singer / songwriter whose work reflects his upbringing in a family of musicians, memory of his home city, and inspiration from diasporic African arts in the United States. Accompanying Ouedraogo on calabash and congas, kalimbas and berimbau, Finkelman hails from Philadelphia where he was first introduced to African and Brazilian percussion by Adimu Kuumba whose handcrafted instruments are featured in several songs.”
CUPHDによるとChampaign County の1週間前の9月2日の陽性者数が1519人、9月9日557人。新学期開始による感染の爆発的拡大のピークはこえつつあるようです。

Confirmed Champaign County COVID-19 Cases, 8.07 am Sept.09, 2022, CUPHD