“The Future of Community Radio in an Increasing Globalized World”, with Tom and Mugiko, from Radio Triple R, WRFU, July30, 2012

This is the Podcast  from  Radio Triple R, WRFU-LP, 104.5 FM,  7pm to 8pm on Monday, July30, 2012

Radio Triple R No.1, July30, 2012 (19m 48s)

Radio Triple R, No.2, July30, 2012(19m 05s)

Radio Triple R, No.3, July30, 2012(11m 40s)

Radio Triple R, WRFU-LP Urban, 104.5FM (Monday 7pm-9pm)

Radio Triple R is a program designed to increase communication and promote political awareness amongst members of the diverse local Latino/a community. With hosts from the US, Mexico, and Chile, our weekly two hour talk and music shows cover a wide variety of topics from all across the Americas, and are generally conducted in a mixture of both English and Spanish, as we feel this best reflects the actual day to day linguistic experience of our audience and ourselves. 


Future of Community Rdaio, the Presentatio to the GRC 2012

In todays episode host Thomas Garza talks with Dr Mugiko Nishikawa about our presentation to the 2012 Grass Roots Radio Conference  on the topic of the future of community radio in an increasingly globalized world. Dr Nishikawa contends that in order to keep pace with advances in technology and expanding notions of the meaning of 'community', hosts of local radio shows — which are limited by design to serve only a relatively small geographical area — must imagine new ways of reaching out beyond these boundaries and create larger spaces for themselves and their listeners. In particular they discuss how her own radio show, The Harukana Show, allows her to sustain a vibrant, active community in both her native Japan and here in the US, giving her the opportunity to travel back and forth between the two countries without ever really leaving 'home'. by Tom

PDF of Slides, 'Radio Space' by Mugiko @GRC, July27, 2012


Radio Triple R(WRFUのスペイン語と英語のラジオ番組、移民問題などを扱う、毎週月曜日7時から9時放送)のゲストとして、Harukana ShowのMugikoが出演しました。この日のホストはTomです。UC-IMCで開催されたGrassroots Radio Conferenceにふれながら、コミュニティラジオのこれからの可能性についてトークしています。テクノロジーの発達によって、コミュニティメディアが、地域を拠点としながらも、国内外に移動する人々をつないで番組を制作していくことが可能ではないか、Skype, Podcast, Youtubeといった単語を、Tomが説明しながら、英語で話しています。ラジオからの人の「声」、語りは、遠く離れた人と人、場所、情報を身近につなぐ力になりうると思います。by Mugiko


WRFU STUDIO, August 1, 2012


カテゴリー: Harukana Show-Podcast パーマリンク


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