UC-IMCに、WRFUの新しいTower(送信アンテナ)が、間もなく(金曜日)に到着します。WRFUが2005年11月に開局した際には、資金が足りず、とりあえず、65フィートの塔を建てました。それから7年、寄付を募り、地域住民や行政からの承認もえて、この度、新しいアンテナを購入、WRFU開局7周年にあわせて100フィートの高さの塔が設置されます。Champaign市まで、よりクリアにWRFUからの放送(104.5 MHz)が受信できるようになります。
WRFUのラジオ局は、Prometheus Radio Projectの協力をえて、関係者、住民が手作りで建設しました。スタジオ内のボードにも、当時の作業の写真が何枚も貼られていますが、ラジオ局までDIY!?、にわかには信じがたい話です。
The photo of Tower(2005)@WRFU STUDIO
RFUers. The long awaited moment has finally arrived!!
The WRFU tower project begins on Friday! Yes THIS Friday. Soon you will see a 4500 pound tower arrive and see a lot of dirt and dust, not tomention $2000 of concrete! We have a few needs. Please review below and let us know if you can help.
We are looking for a person who can cut a 14 x 14 foot cut in the asphalt/concrete to the south of the IMC. Then we need to dig a 14×14 x4.5 foot hole. Do you have any recommendations for people who do this work?
We are looking for a person who can cut a 14 x 14 foot cut in the asphalt/concrete to the south of the IMC. Then we need to dig a 14×14 x4.5 foot hole. Do you have any recommendations for people who do this work?
We need a a few strong female or male volunteers to help at particularparts of the project. Please let me know if you can help.
Please let me know if you have any of these tools for short term loan. *We will label them as yours, keep them secure, and take responsibility for their care. *If you have any other ideas for where to find these items (friendly unions?
Please let me know if you have any of these tools for short term loan. *We will label them as yours, keep them secure, and take responsibility for their care. *If you have any other ideas for where to find these items (friendly unions?
allies?) let me know.
Equipment we need:
buckets – a few
bungee cords
cement mixing tray
cement trowels
chain fence strecher
concrete boots
concrete saw
concrete tools-
concrete vibrator
corded circular saw
drill bits of all types, wood, concrete, metal– including long ones for
the walls.
dust masks
earth compaction machine
extension cords
extension ladder
extra lights – at least 4 or 5, any kind of lamps will do.
fire extinguisher
first aid kit
fork lift- at least 5000 pound capacity (yeah, we know you have a forklift
lying around some where!)
framing square
grinder for cutting metal
halogen lights
hammer drill
hearing protector
heavy dolly
impact wrench, cordless
many extension cords, probably 5 of the cheap $3 little ones and 4 or 5 of
the heavy duty ones
mechanics box wrenches, adjustable (crescent) wrenches, ratchets, and
sockets– including some pretty large ones
metal chopsaw
padlocks and chains for materials and equipment left outdoors
post hole digger
power strips- at least 4 of them, more may help
pulley that works with the size rope we have
rebar bending machine
rope- some small pieces, plus 250 feet of preferably 1/2 inch or perhaps
3/8 rope.
saw horses
shop vaccuum
sledge hammer
spud wrench
table or two for plans and tools
tape measures
torque wrench
trash cans
buckets – a few
bungee cords
cement mixing tray
cement trowels
chain fence strecher
concrete boots
concrete saw
concrete tools-
concrete vibrator
corded circular saw
drill bits of all types, wood, concrete, metal– including long ones for
the walls.
dust masks
earth compaction machine
extension cords
extension ladder
extra lights – at least 4 or 5, any kind of lamps will do.
fire extinguisher
first aid kit
fork lift- at least 5000 pound capacity (yeah, we know you have a forklift
lying around some where!)
framing square
grinder for cutting metal
halogen lights
hammer drill
hearing protector
heavy dolly
impact wrench, cordless
many extension cords, probably 5 of the cheap $3 little ones and 4 or 5 of
the heavy duty ones
mechanics box wrenches, adjustable (crescent) wrenches, ratchets, and
sockets– including some pretty large ones
metal chopsaw
padlocks and chains for materials and equipment left outdoors
post hole digger
power strips- at least 4 of them, more may help
pulley that works with the size rope we have
rebar bending machine
rope- some small pieces, plus 250 feet of preferably 1/2 inch or perhaps
3/8 rope.
saw horses
shop vaccuum
sledge hammer
spud wrench
table or two for plans and tools
tape measures
torque wrench
trash cans