No. 663, Dec. 8, 2023, 生クリスマスツリーSatomi、バンドって何だろう-Tom



Part1, 「生クリスマスツリー」- Satomi, COVID-19感染者数増加

先週末は、アーバナにあるCountry Arbor Nurseryという苗や植物を販売する店に夫と二人で出かけて、クリスマスツリーの木を買ってきました。息子が小さかった頃は、この時期になるとクリスマスツリー・ファームに出かけ、時間をかけて選んだ木を夫がのこぎりで切って家に持って帰ってきていたのですが、その息子も大学生となりそういうこととは「卒業」。こちらの店は、もう既に切ってある木を選んで、代金を払ったら、木をネットに入れて車に積んでくれ、広いファームを歩く必要がなく、ツリー・ショッピングが短時間で済ませられます。そのお店で撮った写真を添付しますね。


Part2, Tomさんが初めて買った憧れレコード、バンドとは?



You asked me about ‘band’ music and I had to think a bit because the definition (or my definition anyway) of what constitutes a ‘band’ has changed a great deal since I was young.


I grew up in a time when groups of musicians in popular music were either likely to be a group of friends who wrote all of the songs and played all of the instruments, or at least you were supposed to think that they were. Even some of the most famous ‘bands’ of the era (late 60s, early 70s) played other people’s songs and weren’t necessarily the only players that you heard on their records — or even playing anything at all — but they generally went to great pains to hide that fact from their fans and tried to appear to be singer/songwriter groups. It was the popular ideal even if it wasn’t always the actual fact.


There were many musical influences in my life in those days as I primarily learned about different music from listening to the radio — I had very little money and couldn’t buy records on my own — so I thought I’d just mention two groups in particular because the first two records that I purchased were by these bands.

The Beatles-Hey Jude,  Led Zeppelin-Whole Lotta Love

The first was The Beatles. I bought the 45rpm single for Hey Jude ( as it was one of my favorite songs at the time. The other was a band called Led Zeppelin. I also purchased the single of their song Whole Lotta Love.


In both cases, these were songs that I really enjoyed hearing on the radio, but it was very difficult to hear them unless I just happened to be listening at the exact right time. My radio listening was limited mostly to late at night after everyone went to bed (I had a little transistor radio that I would put right next to my head). This worked well enough to get an idea of what music was popular at the time and a general idea of what it sounded like, but not really to hear songs or get to know them well. I wanted to do both of those things with these songs because I liked them so much.


In the case of the Beatles, I had seen two of their films and I had a sense of them as people whose lives I wanted to emulate. I thought it sounded great to play music and have adventures with your best friends (which is how they were portrayed in their films and in the media generally), and I set my sights on doing that someday.

Led Zeppelinは多様な要素を取り込んだ興味深い音楽

With Led Zeppelin I had no real idea of who they were or what they were like, but I found their music intriguing on account of the many different musical styles they would incorporate into their work.


So two very different types of relationships with the two artists that I’ve selected, but along with their both being unique in the fact that I purchased their records, I also thought it might be interesting to highlight the difference since the experience of being ‘a fan’ differs from artist to artist. How you feel about someone is based as much on who they appear to be as it does what kind of art they produce. Tom





Part3, リクオさんのおすすめは、メンバーがめっちゃ楽しそうバンド





今日お届けしたバンド曲:■スピッツ「ロビンソン」■The Beatles 「Hey Jude」■Led Zeppelin「Whole Lotta Love」■Faces「Stay with me」■Queen「Radio Ga Ga

Champaign CountyのCOVID-19感染者数増加、それぞれ気をつけて

月に1回掲示されているCUPHDのCOVID-19感染状況、12月4日現在の陽性者数は334です。先月(11月7日現在)は133だったので、2.5倍に増えています。換気、手洗い、うがい、マスク。できる範囲で、それぞれに気をつけて。Champaign County Champaign County COVID-19 Information (CUPHD)

カテゴリー: Harukana Show-Podcast パーマリンク


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