No.237, Oct.9, 2015 読書の秋、ライブラリアンのためのZineコレ本 with Ryuta&Mugi


Harukana Showに出演するRyutaさんやTomさんの上着が茶色や黒っぽい色になってきました。今週末は気温が下がりますね、と秋のイベント情報をお届けしているうちに、インターネットの不具合、トークが途中で何度も途切れました。トラブルの連続に、Podcastの声も焦りっぱなし、重ねて申し訳ありません。

すすき@Kyoto, Sept.28, 2015

すすき@Kyoto, Sept.28, 2015


HS Podcast No.237-1, Oct.9, 2015:キンモクセイの香り

HS Podcast No.237-2, Oct.9, 2015:イベント情報&Alexさんのおすすめの曲

HS Podcast No.237-3, Oct.9, 2015:読書の秋、ライブラリアンのためのZine Collectionガイドブック



キンモクセイ@Kyoto, Oct.10, 2015

キンモクセイ@Kyoto, Oct.10, 2015


C-U Oktoberfest 10/10 (土) 3pm-Midnight, Downtown Champaign

AsiaLENS: Agrarian Utopia 10/13 (火) Spurlock Museum, Knight Auditorium, 600 S. Gregory Street, Urbana, IL

IMC’s 15th Anniversary 10/10(土)-11(日)see more “Come celebrate 15 years of independent media in Urbana” in Smile Politely, October7, 2015 by Cope Cumpston

SATURDAY 9am – 11:30 am – Workshops and Skillshares ●Learn how to stream radio over the Internet by Chris Ritzo (who came all the way from from DC to teach us!) ●Documenting IMC History by Jimi Lee Jones (pro archivist) and Travis Houcutt (artist in residence). Learn more about IMC history and archival practices as we gather and scan materials for the IMC archive.●The future of Zines and the IMC Zine Library (by Ian Traniello and Bella Irvine – library student)●Green our space! We have 12 new planters and lots of plants in front of our amazing new mural-in-progress by Maya Bauer. Come help turn the parking lot into beautiful green space.

11:30- 1pm  ●What is needed now from a Community Media & Arts Center in CU facilitated by Cope Cumpston with speakers: Latrelle Bright, IMC Program Director, Dr. William Patterson professor and founder of Hip Hop Xpress, Coco Harmon student and spoken word poet, Emily Denis, and Violet Harris.

1-3 p.m. IMC Open House ●working groups will be on hand for a full open house – learn the latest from Makerspace, WRFU, Books to Prisoners, the public i newspaper,

3-5 p.m. Future of the IMC & Independent Media.hear from founding members Danielle Chynoweth and Sascha Meinrath, both deeply involved in media policy issues on the national and international frontiers.

6:30 on – Wine and Cheese and Performance (fundraiser 10-30)

Then get ready to party, with a sliding scale entry fee for a wine and cheese mixer at 6:30 p.m. and Spoken Word performance at 7:30 p.m. by Exposed.

SUNDAY 10am ●Launching the Next 15 years of the IMC Sunday morning beginning at 10 am, you can brainstorm with the best over breakfast.

秋の夕空@Kyoto, Oct.9, 2015

秋の夕空@Kyoto, Oct.9, 2015

読書の秋に『From A to Zine』


ロンドンのStuart Hall LibraryのZine Collectionを閲覧したときに、スタッフのNickさんに、「Zineについての本」を何冊か教えてもらいました。そのうちの1冊が、JULIE BARTEL, From A to Zine: Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library, American Library Association、2004年です。図書館にZine ollectionを作るにはどうしたらいいのか、ライブラリアンがつまづくであろう困難をふまえたうえでの実務的なガイドブックであり、かつ著者のZineへの想いがつまったZine Cultureについての本です。

JULIE BARTEL, 'From A to Zine: Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library', American Library Association, 2004

JULIE BARTEL, ‘From A to Zine: Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library’, American Library Association, 2004


そもそもzinesって何だ?(Harukana Showでも、いつも説明に困る)。この本の最初のページに、zinesの世界についてこんなふうに説明されています。


Zine (pronounced “zeen”, like “bean”, rather than “line”) are basically small, self-published magazines that are usually (though not always) written by one person and distributed through an intricate network of individuals and collectives. The only thing that all zines have in common is that their existence is the result of passion rather than a desire for profit. Thought accurate, this definition rarely satisfies the zine novice, since it fails to convey a clear understanding of the scope, breadth, and material reality of zines and zine culture. Perhaps because we’ve all grown up with guidelines and definitions and regulations for what is appropriate in various media, it’s a struggle to accept that there are very few rules in the world of zines.(同書 p.1)



Zines are about diversity, creativity, innovation, and expression. As a group, zines deliberately lack cohesion of form or function, representing as they do individual visions and ideas rather than professional or corporate objectives. With zines, anything goes. Anything. They can be about coasters, food, a favorite television show, thrift stores, anarchism, candy, bunnies, sexual abuse, architecture, war, gingerbread men, activism, retirement homes, comics, eating disorders, Barbie dolls- you name it. There are personal zines, music zines, and sports zines, zines about politics and zines about pop culture.p.2


Zines come in all sizes and shapes, and while many are cut-and-pastes, as seems to be the stereotype, others are hand-lettered, produced on a computer, printed on a letterpress, or typed out on a manual typewriter, Zinesters use handmade paper, linoleum-block prints, photographs, and color collage to enhance their work, and while many zines are simply folded in half and stapled in the middle, some are bound with twin, some are held together with intricate metal wiring, and some the time-tested rubber band. There is infinite variety to be found in the content, format, and construction of zines, and there are not rules or restrictions to speak of. If you can imagine it and create it, you can make it into a zine. p.3 &5.

そもそも図書館に収納されることなど想定していないzines、書誌情報も適当だろうし(著者や出版元や制作年月日や場所などが明示されていなかかったり)、場合によっては値段もない。となると、どうやって予算を組み、zineを集めて、展示して、管理すればよいのか。(たとえば、予算を獲得してzineを購入しているが、熱心なzineの作り手がお金はいらないと返金し予算を執行の手続きができず困る、といったこともありうる)。『From A to Zine』では、市販の本を扱うのとは違う手間をかけながら、図書館にzine ollectionを立ち上げる「こつ」と魅力を楽しく語っています。

そんな本について、GMZ#3を製作中でハイテンションのMugikoと、大学図書館のライブラリアンであるRyutaさんが語り合う、今日のHarukana Showのトークでした。Mugi

イリノイで見つけたMade in Japan, 秋祭りの練習?photo, Kyoto, Oct.10, 2015

イリノイで見つけたMade in Japan, 秋祭りの練習?photo, Kyoto, Oct.10, 2015



さて、そのながれで今回の紹介する曲は恋曲です。「ヒョニとドギ」の「小さい少女の恋物語」です。この「ヒョニとドギ」は70年代にあった韓国の兄弟グループです。「ヒョニ」の本名は「チャン・ヒョン」で「ドギ」の本名は「チャン・ドグ」。「ヒョニ」が兄で「ドギ」は妹です。この曲がリリースした当時「ヒョニ」は23才、「ドギ」は17才でした。「チャン・ドグ」は80年でソローでデビューしたし、しかもその時は初の女性シンガーソングライターでした。いろんなヒット曲があったし、見た目もかわいかったので人気があったんです。しかし、彼女の健康が悪化して結局1990年、薬物過多服用で29歳の若さで亡くなりました。そのあと彼女の兄も舌癌で妹と一緒に天国にいっちゃいました。この曲のポイントは兄弟二人のハーモニーです。by Alex

■M1FAR EAST RHYMERS「キンモクセイ」■ヒョニとドギ「小さい少女の恋物語」■RADWIMPS「リユニオン

カテゴリー: Harukana Show-Podcast パーマリンク


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