Part1では、先週のHS(HS No.494)でのマイバックの話題について、Washington DC在住のTamakiさんからお便りをいただきました。Part2&3は、Tsujinoさんとコロナ禍の日本のKobeのコミュニティ活動についてお話を伺いました。まとめの文章もTsujinoさんに書いていただきました。また、本日9月18日に開催されたUIUC JPN COVID-19 Town HallのTatsuyaさんからの情報も下記に共有させていただきます。
Part1, コロナ禍のお買い物、マイバック、ツインデミック警戒
コロナ禍のコミュニティ活動のつながり with Tsujino
Part2,コロナ禍での地域メディア、第5回「居場所」サミットin Kobe
Part3, リアルとオンラインを組み合わせたイベントへの技術協力
新たな配信スタイル、MEDIA ROCCO開局9年目へ
HARUKANA SHOWのリスナーのみなさん、こんばんは。今年の5月に出演して以来ですので、4ヶ月ぶりです。その間に季節は変わり、先日、街を歩いていたら青々としたいがぐりを見かけました。実りの秋です。2020年3月からMEDIA ROCCOはスタジオライブ配信から多地点ライブ配信へ移行しました(HS No.476-1, No.477-2)。さまざまな人たちの協力をえて、今日まで毎週ライブ配信番組を継続することができました。本当にありがとうございます。そして、来月2020年10月にMEDIA ROCCO開局9年目を迎えます。
地域の団体は新型コロナウィルス の影響により、活動拠点に集まり活動を行うことが難しい状況が今も続いています。こうした状況のなか、HCMはリアルとオンラインの同時配信で開催されたイベント「第5回居場所サミットin 神戸」に技術協力をすることになりました。
「居場所サミットin 神戸」は神戸市内を中心に居場所を運営する団体が参加し交流するイベントです。「居場所」という言葉をここ数年で耳にするようになってきましたが、「居場所」ってなんでしょうか?今回のイベント主催団体の事業報告レポート「地域の居場所創出・運営支援事業報告レポート」の表紙には、「自分らしくいられて、ホッとできる場所」「気軽に立ち寄れて、いろんな人と交流できる場所」「ちょっとした相談ができて、生活上の困りごとが解決される場所」と紹介されています。
リアルとオンライン、サミット参加者はそれぞれの参加方法を通して、コロナ禍で模索してきたコミュニティ活動の経験や工夫、そして想いを共有する時間を過ごし、これからの活動への励みと希望を感じることのできる機会となったようでした。地域のコミュニティメディアがこうした社会状況下でのニーズに対しどのような関わり方ができるのか?これからも関わりながら考えていくことになるでしょう。 by Tsujino
Champaign CountyでのCOVID-19感染拡大状況
9月18日に開催されたUIUC JAPN COVID-19 Town Hallで共有されたTatusyaさん作成の資料の一部です。イリノイ大学の秋学期開始当初に急増した感染者数は、この2週間は減少傾向にあるようです。またUrbana市、Champaign市に出されていたEmegernt Orderの一部は解除されています(City of Champaign , City of Urbana)Tatsuyaさんには、来週のHSに出演いただきこの半年間のU-CのCOVID-19の感染拡大状況やUIUCIの対応などについてお話を伺う予定です。Selected COVID-19 News: IL & C-U by Tatsuya, 9/5-9/18
- (9/18) UI student cited for “endangering public health”
- (9/17) Ask The Admin | Exactly what does quarantining mean?
- C-UPHD provides daily calls to check in with those in isolation and quarantine. We are checking in to see if they need any assistance with anything. We provide guidance and assistance if needed. This can include help with groceries or picking up prescriptions.
- (9/16) [Urbana] City not extending emergency order regarding ban on indoor dining service
- (9/15) UI lockdown working, numbers indicate
- So far, eight students and one fraternity have received interim suspensions
- There were 20 reports of gatherings from Labor Day weekend, which Bryan said dropped to five this past weekend
- Students are responding to the effort to contact them quickly after testing positive, with 99 percent responding within a minute after receiving a text from what is called Shield Team 30
- Since students began moving in Aug. 16, there have been 1,891 cases detected among the campus community. Since July, 59 faculty and staff members have tested positive
- Off-campus housing has not come down as much as we would like
- (9/13) App’s on tap at Campustown bars
- When Joe’s Brewery reopened Thursday, its customers had to show the Safer Illinois app to verify that they’d tested negative recently for COVID-19
- Kam’s and Red Lion are also requiring students to show the app when they enter.
- (9/9) Confused by COVID case counts? Here’s why numbers vary, says public health official
- the UI reports positive tests immediately, while the public health district takes a few days investigating the details of each positive test before adding a single positive case
- (9/8) U of I students cooperate more with contact tracing
- Last week, the University put all undergraduate students under mandatory quarantine because of a spike in coronavirus cases that were linked to parties on campus. Officials said ever since the University threatened suspension, students have been more compliant.
- (9/8) Testing requirements change for low-risk campus members
- (9/8) U of I Police: Men issued notices to appear in regards to parties
- (9/4) [Champaign] Weekend closures for downtown parking lots continue through November 1
- “the closure pertains to the City’s downtown parking lots at Neil & Washington and Walnut & Washington on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights”
- “At midnight, both parking lots will be secured and vehicles left in the lots will not be able to be retrieved until 7:00 AM”
- (9/4) [Champaign] Coronavirus response | Ban on indoor bar/restaurant seating in Campustown extended
- Champaign Mayor Deb Frank Feinen on Friday issued a change to an existing emergency order that was set to expire after Labor Day to continue prohibiting indoor seating through 5 p.m. Sept. 16. Outdoor seating is allowed.
- (9/4) [Urbana] City bans indoor seating, dining, drinking, in campus-area establishments
- The emergency order bans indoor seating of all types.
- The emergency order takes effect on 5 p.m. Saturday. The end date is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16, which coincides with “UIUC Chancellor Robert Jones’ ‘stay-at-home’ directive for UIUC undergrads.”
Selected COVID-19 Information: UIUC by Tatsuya, 9/5-9/18
- (9/17) Please keep making smart and safe decisions
- Limit gatherings to 10 people or fewer, have them outside if possible and always with social distancing and face coverings.
- Continue to report large parties or other unsafe actions through this web form or by emailing conflictresolution@illinois.edu when you see them.
- You must continue to test twice a week, use the Safer Illinois app or the Boarding Pass, and immediately quarantine or isolate yourself, and stay quarantined and isolated, if instructed to do so.
- Avoid crowded places, especially in enclosed spaces – whether parties, private houses or apartments – where exposure to the virus is more likely.
- (9/17) Entertainment at Memorial Stadium; Triple feature: Football’s back, basketball’s on deck and Friday is movie night at Memorial Stadium
- (9/16) UPDATE: Big Ten reverses course on 2020 football season
- The conference this morning said its delayed season will kick off Oct. 23-24
- Looks like they are adopting the UIUC-style testing strategy for the players – UIUC’s success has encouraged them to change their decision
- (9/15) U of I Police gives update on party enforcement
- UIPD officials said they responded to 15 party complaints in the campus area between Friday and Sunday
- (9/10) Chancellor encouraged by enhanced enforcement results
- We are moving to a smaller test tube with a straw for saliva collection
- In University Housing, there are currently 118 students with the coronavirus in isolation and 26 with possible exposure being quarantined, Kaler said, and 300 isolation and quarantine beds are still available
- More than 80 percent of the cases on campus are asymptomatic
- None of three COVID-19 related hospitalizations in the county are UI-related
- (9/7) MASSMAIL: COVID-19 Testing Schedule Changes + Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students do not test Tuesday
- At this point (as of 9/7/20), more than 95% of all new cases are among undergraduate students
- Beginning Tuesday, September 8:
- All faculty, staff and graduate students will now move to a once-per-week test schedule.
- If at all possible, please test on Saturdays or Sundays. If weekends are not possible for you, please test on Wednesdays
- Undergraduate students must continue the twice-per-week test schedule. Choose Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday, or Wednesday-Saturday/Sunday, schedules.